Self Care Monday
It’s self care Monday y’all and that means it’s time to pamper myself. Setting aside a day of the week to actually focus on me has been hugely helpful in getting back to feeling good in my own skin. Now, don’t get me wrong, I won’t be just sitting around all day on the couch eating bonbons. I still have to be a mom and get stuff done, but today is my day to pamper myself!
How does Self-Care Monday look for a Mom on-the-go?
Even though I’m still working my business and chasing the munchkins around, I make sure I do at least three things for myself on Self Care Monday.
1.) I always do a facemask, even if I have to do it while playing tea party.
2.) I always paint my nails or give myself a pedicure. You can get real fancy and go have someone at the salon do this for you, but for me, there’s something therapeutic about doing my own nails. I kind of get in the zone and tune the world out. For obvious reasons this has to be done during nap time or after the kiddies go to sleep.
3.) I always take at least 15-30 minutes to have a hot tea or coffee and read a book I’ve been wanting to read. And this way, even if I only read every Monday, I can at lease get through a book in less than a year haha!
For me, Self Care Monday occasionally gets pushed to Tuesday like it did this week, but that’s okay. Set that time out for yourself and be intentional.
“Whatever is going to give you more time, more space, more freedom to find your center? Say yes please to that!”
Products I love for Self Care Monday:
-At Home Gel Kit - click here
-My at home gel colors - click here
-Hand Mask - click here
-Charcoal Face Mask - click here
What does self care look like for you? Does it mean asking hubs to watch the kids so you can enjoy cooking dinner in peace? Maybe it’s organizing your room so you have a zen space for the rest of the week? Or how about taking a bubble bath after the kids go to sleep and just closing your eyes and thinking about NOTHING. You heard that right. No-thing. This is hard for many women, moms and business owners alike. Our brains are always swirling with inspiration, problems, to-do lists. Take some deep breaths and try to keep your to-do list at bay for just 15 minutes for a peaceful restful time.
I am totally doing Self Care Monday on a Tuesday this week and that’s okay. But I am ready to pamper myself. I hope you’re ready to stick up for yourself and claim an hour back for you too!